GTA 4 Fan Made Game For Android & iOS

Hey guys today in this post i will show you gta iv fan made game for android & ios with new update so guys are you interested so i till you gta 4 fan made new update features first update for map,

1. Map Update: first full liberty city complete and full map textures enhanced and all map bugs fixed so guys batter than old version so try now and review next features update,

2. Niko Character Movement Update: 2nd niko movement enhance and moving bugs fixed so moving next update for gta iv fan made game for android & ios,

3. First Mission Added: 3rd finally first mission added with high graphics and with high cut seen gameplay so guys without any more visiting time let's check out developers information,

4. Created By R-User Games: one of the best alternative games creator and i try all fan made games so i saying to you visit youtube channel R-User Gamer and don't forget to subscribe and support this developer and support my channel for more information MHS Gamer 2.0,

5. How To Download This Game: first watch this video "How to Download" below and than you download this game gta iv fan made game for android & ios,


Thanks for visiting my site and support my YT channel name mhs gamer 2.0 and visit more article about this, so okay guys good bey and take care and see you tomorrow.


GTA 4 Mobile New Update 0.2 Optimized By MHS Gamer

GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 Optimized Update: Revolutionizing Gaming on a Budget by MHS Gamer


Mobile gaming has come a long way, and with the release of GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 Optimized Update, the world of handheld gaming has reached new heights. In this blog post, we will explore how MHS Gamer, a pioneering game developer, has managed to create an incredible gaming experience on a budget, making GTA 4 accessible to a wider audience of mobile gamers.

1. The Rise of Mobile Gaming:

Mobile gaming has witnessed a meteoric rise over the years, with smartphones becoming more powerful and capable of handling sophisticated game engines. Players now expect console-like experiences right at their fingertips, and GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 brings precisely that to the table.

2. Challenges of Game Development on a Budget:

Developing a game on a budget is no small feat. The team at MHS Gamer faced several challenges during the development process. They had to strike the right balance between preserving the essence of the original GTA 4 and optimizing it for mobile devices with limited resources.

3. Optimization: A Key Priority:

Optimizing a massive game like GTA 4 for mobile platforms can be a daunting task. MHS Gamer took a meticulous approach to ensure the game runs smoothly on a wide range of devices without compromising on the graphics or gameplay quality. The team focused on streamlining the game's code, reducing file sizes, and implementing smart resource management.

4. Gameplay Enhancements:

The GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 Optimized Update brings various gameplay enhancements to make the experience enjoyable on touchscreens. Intuitive controls, customizable layouts, and fine-tuned mechanics ensure that players can seamlessly navigate the open-world environment and engage in action-packed missions.

5. Inclusivity and Accessibility:

MHS Gamer's commitment to inclusivity shines through in this optimized update. By developing a game that runs smoothly on budget smartphones, they have widened the audience spectrum, allowing more players to experience the thrill of Grand Theft Auto 4.

6. Community Feedback and Iterative Development:

MHS Gamer actively engaged with the gaming community, seeking feedback during the development process. By listening to players' suggestions and addressing issues promptly, they were able to refine the game further and deliver a polished product that caters to the desires of their audience.

7. Future Prospects:

With the success of the GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 Optimized Update, MHS Gamer has set a new benchmark for mobile gaming. Their dedication to affordable yet immersive gaming experiences has undoubtedly opened doors to future possibilities, and fans eagerly await their next innovative creations.



The GTA 4 Mobile 0.2 Optimized Update is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and resourcefulness in game development. MHS Gamer's commitment to providing an exceptional gaming experience on a budget has redefined the landscape of mobile gaming. With an optimized version of a beloved classic, they have made GTA 4 accessible to millions of gamers worldwide, setting a shining example for the industry to follow. As we continue to witness advancements in mobile gaming, one thing is certain: MHS Gamer's dedication to innovation will shape the future of handheld gaming.


Download GTA 4 Mobile Android iOS Beta BIG Update 2023

GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile - A Game on a Budget Review

(Game Link Below)


In the vast world of mobile gaming, there are countless titles to choose from, ranging from casual puzzles to intense action-adventure games. For those on a budget, finding a high-quality game that doesn't break the bank can be challenging. In this blog post, we'll be taking a closer look at "GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" by Game on Budget, a mobile adaptation of the popular Grand Theft Auto series, and see if it lives up to its budget-friendly promise.

1. The Rise of Budget-Friendly Mobile Games:

As smartphones have become more powerful, the mobile gaming industry has seen a surge in popularity. With a growing demand for engaging yet affordable gaming experiences, developers are increasingly offering budget-friendly titles, aiming to cater to a wider audience without compromising on quality.

2. Introducing "GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile":

"GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" promises to deliver the gritty and action-packed world of Grand Theft Auto IV to mobile devices while maintaining affordability. Developed by Game on Budget, the game boasts an open-world environment, immersive gameplay, and a storyline that closely follows its console counterpart.

3. Gameplay and Mechanics:

The game's gameplay mirrors that of the original GTA 4, with players assuming the role of Niko Bellic, an Eastern European immigrant trying to make a living in the criminal underworld. From driving through the streets of Liberty City to engaging in intense shootouts, "Bleed Out Mobile" manages to capture the essence of the franchise.

4. Graphics and Performance:

Given its budget-friendly nature, "GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" does make some visual sacrifices. While the graphics are respectable, they don't quite match up to modern AAA mobile titles. However, the game's performance is smooth and optimized, ensuring a fluid experience even on mid-range devices.

5. In-App Purchases and Monetization:

One aspect that gamers often associate with budget-friendly titles is aggressive in-app purchases. Fortunately, "GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" strikes a good balance in this regard. While in-app purchases are present, they don't hinder the core gameplay, and progression can be achieved through skill and dedication.

6. Community and Support:

An active and supportive community can greatly enhance the gaming experience. Game on Budget has shown dedication to its player base, regularly providing updates and bug fixes to improve the overall gaming experience.

7. Verdict:

"GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" by Game on Budget manages to offer a remarkable experience for gamers on a budget. While it may not rival the cutting-edge graphics of high-end mobile games, it successfully brings the iconic Grand Theft Auto franchise to mobile devices without compromising on gameplay and storytelling. For fans of the series and newcomers alike, "Bleed Out Mobile" is a great option to experience the thrill of Liberty City on a budget.



Budget-friendly mobile games like "GTA 4: Bleed Out Mobile" exemplify how developers are making quality gaming experiences accessible to a broader audience. With engaging gameplay, an open-world environment, and a commitment to its player community, Game on Budget's adaptation of the classic Grand Theft Auto IV is a noteworthy contender for those looking to delve into the world of mobile gaming without breaking the bank.


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